Welcome to Riverside Secondary School on-line locker management system

Student accounts have been created for access to the system. We are so happy to offer you a personalized way for you to choose your own locker location!

Your student number is your User ID and your password is a combination of your uppercase initials and your student number. Your two initials will be in uppercase.  For example, if your name is “John Smith” and your student number is 12345, your user ID would be “12345” and your passwords would be “JS12345”.

Please note that it will not be possible to change your locker location if you change your mind. Once you choose a locker it is yours for the remainder of the year.

Student Expectations and Reminders

It is a student’s responsibility to take care of their own lockers and to ensure their lock combinations are kept secret. Do not share your combination.  Students should be aware that lockers and locks are school property and are only on loan to students.  Both the locker and lock must be kept in good condition. For safety do not sit on the lockers.  Students will be charged for any losses or damage that occurs during the year.  The cost of a replacement lock is $10.00 and may be obtained at the office (Ms. Brisbin). In addition, students should be aware that, when and if necessary, school officials may enter student lockers without warning.